Observations from a gsufan on life in this wonderful college town

Monday, July 10, 2006

Homerun Derby.....Your thoughts

Okay guys and ladies the home run derby is tonight......I have been watching it for the past coulpe of hours and amazed at how far the damn baseball travels

What are your thoughts on this "contest"?

I wonder if we can have a drinking game with the homerun derby?........for every homerun hit you take a chug of your beer or something else

Sunday, July 09, 2006

We will miss you Teddy

Teddy Craft, wide receiver for the Georgia Souhtern Eagles passed on Wednesday July 5th, 2006 after a bad motorcycle accident in Statesboro, GA. He was an athlete that represented GSU well on and off the field with his big smile and heart. I had the privilege of meeting him a couple of times during practice and was always smiling but a great leader as well.

Rest in peace fellow Eagle and god bless you.